SAFETY WARNING: Only use dry on materials that are safe to be worked dry. Contact the material supplier to confirm suitability and check safety data sheets on the material. Always use appropriate PPE when working dry and ensure appropriate dust control measures are in place.
CGX Diamond Blade: A diamond blade that represents the evolution of the best-selling Art. CG. 20 years after Montolit manufactured its first diamond blade, this is the company’s new flagship: a super-professional patented diamond blade for dry cut of Grès Porcelain with an angle grinder. A unique item that best represents the Montolit’s philosophy, which with its 70-year history is constantly committed to developing cutting edge, innovative products.
Utilization: Dry and wet use
Height band diamond: 11 mm
Material: porcelain stoneware, hard ceramic
Application: laying tiles
Speed: Very high
Finish: Very high
Life span: Very high
Use: angle/flexible grinder
Renewable blades with abrasive stone art.395B
We recommend using TutorCut for a perfect cut and to improve the performance of the blade
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